Eszközbeszerzés és információs technológia-fejlesztés megvalósítása az Oktatási és Szakértő Bt-nél
Farming housewife, village hostess | Oktatási és Szakértő Bt.

Farming housewife, village hostess

Home Farming housewife, village hostess

Farming housewife, village hostess

NQR 34 811 02









Permit number: E-000077/2014/A004                Number of lessons: 960


Preliminary education requirements: completed elementary school education or otherwise: input competencies: training can be started in possession of the special competencies of the agriculture trade group No. 20, described in the third annex of the decree stating the professional and exam requirements of qualifications.


A farming housewife organizes, operates and carries out tasks of growing plants, keeping farm and other animals, preparing products for market and trading them in a family farming system, in circumstances of a primary producer first of all. She arranges for purchasing and storing stock in hand, food, beverages, fodder, chemicals, etc.
As a village hostess, she provides a complex service (lodging, catering, organizing programmes, producing farm products). During her performance, she considers local traditions, alternatives of folk art.

As a family provider, her primary tasks are housekeeping, supporting family, bringing up and care of own children, nursing sick family members. In possession of the ’know-how’, she is able to organize, provide supervision, complete other families’ household duties and tasks.

She helps in managing everyday lives of individuals, family members, communities (tidying, child and sick care, washing, shopping, cooking, serving up, animal care, gardening, etc.). Beside her own cleaning duties, she carries out cleaning outside the house as well. She collects and selects waste of household and of workplace.

Details of vocational requirement modules
identification number      title

11497-12       Foreign language skills
11499-12       Self-managing skills
11500-12       Health and safety at work
11033-12       Managing household and family
11034-12       Operation, management
11035-12       Hospitality; entertaining customers
11036-12       Daily routine
11037-12       Village hosting
11038-12      Creative processing of textile
11039-12      Agricultural production and processing


In case of non-school training: the passing of the final examinations of all modules is required


Modules of professional requirements
identification number         title                                        type of final examination
11033-12 Managing household and family                            practical, oral
11034-12 Operation, management                                         practical
11035-12 Hospitality; Entertaining guests                             practical, oral
11036-12 Daily routine                                                             practical, oral
11037-12 Village hosting                                                         practical, oral
11038-12 Creative processing of textile                                practical
11039-12 Agricultural production and processing                practical, oral
11497-12 Employment I                                                          written
11499-12 Employment II                                                         written
11500-12 Occupational health and safety                            written



Practical exam assignments

1.) Title of exam assignment: Producing and documenting a piece of textile work (masterpiece)
Description of exam assignment: Making up some of the following pieces, set by the examining institute according to professional requirements:
– simple pieces of clothes (skirts, blouses, trousers, aprons, baby’s clothes) using some patterns
– embroidered household textiles or some made with other techniques
– crocheted or knitted work
– articles for personal use or for decoration made up ont he basis of folk motifs.
Duration of exam: –
Evaluation weight ratio: 10 %
2.) Title of exam assignment: Village hosting; Techniques in kitchen, serving up; Managing household and family

Description of exam assignment: Introducing characteristic features of village hosting. Sketching required changes of a hosting family house; introducing dishes of the region; preparing outdoor meals; introducing own farm, folk traditions, souveniers; carrying out tasks outside the house; preparing of organizing programmes (making jam, harvesting the crop together with visitors).
The examinee proves his/her suitability of providing catering.According to exam topics, he/she chooses ingredients, makes 2 or 3 courses of a main meal, lays the table, serves the dishes and offers drinks they go with. He/She introduces dishes made by him/her, explains their nutritive values, characteristics, etc. Finally, he/she clears the table, tidies up his/her working area, does the washing-up.
The examinee gives an account of his/her duties, tasks int he family circle. He/She plans tasks on a daily basis, does the shopping, makes breakfast, stores food, operates appliances, tidies up, decorates the interior with simple, self-made, forest and/or garden products, irons and cleans. He/She helps with child and sick care, looks after the children, plays with them, reads them, teaches them songs and rhymes. Highlighted tasks are implementing personal hygiene and activities referring to upbringing children.
Duration of exam: 285 min
Evaluation weight ratio: 45 %
3.) Agricultural tasks
The examinee carries out some of the exam tasks independently, considering environmental protection and safety rules. The required tools, machines, plants, animals, etc. are provided by the training institute or the place of practice. Beside necessary equipments and tools, coursebooks or notes are not allowed to be used during completing the task, but charts for calculation must be available. The list of exam tasks must include each and every topic according to Professional requirements of agricultural production, small-scale/domestic processing, preparing goods for trading.
After completing tasks, examinees hand over to the board of examiners tools and surrounding clean and tidied up.
Duration of exam: 60 min
Evaluation weight ratio: 15 %

Central written examination assignment

1. Title of exam assignment: Tasks of managing

Description of exam assignment: Implementing skills, level of basic calculation and operation are tested by the test sheets: e.g. terms of business, starting-operating-developing business, marketing activities, terms of operation, calculation and finance, usage of forms, correspondence, word processing, operating charts.
Parts of written exams: Basic calculation (calculation of the quantity of an order, and the sum of purchasing, of wages). Filling forms (e.g. money order, invoice).
Duration of exam: 90 min
Evaluation weight ratio: 10 %

Oral examination assignment

1. Title of exam assignment: Hosting and catering

Description of exam assignment: A centrally compiled list of exam questions in each and every topic of modules „Hosting” and „Daily tasks”, according to Professional requirements in item 4.
The examinee has to know the procedure of catering from the very first steps of food processing (preparing, planning) through the rules of purchasing ingredients up to the follow-up tasks after serving food.
Topics have to include all the essential tasks of hosting and everyday duties. It is important for a trainee to know tasks of hygienic safety, environmental protection, first-aid. At each and every topic, he/she has to mention typical opportunities for catering around school or living area.

Duration of exam: 30 min (preparation time: 20 min, presentation: 10 min)

Evaluation weight ratio: 10 %